Friday, March 26, 2010

Boy stuff

My goodness. Its been so long since I popped in here to say hello. I have that feeling I get when I see an old friend I haven't caught up with in ages, there is sooo much to say that often you don't know where to start!
I feel a little like I have been living in some sort of dream-world for the past couple of weeks. I haven't even been home for 7 days and am starting to feel slightly dis-connected from reality. Its time for me to stop, and think a little and try and feel like I am anywhere near having my feet on the ground. I'm beginning to get vertigo up here in the clouds!
So you may ask why on earth I am feeling so odd? Well I met someone. A male someone. A male someone whom I think is pretty damn rad and who crazily enough seems to think the same about me.
Yup. I know. Pinch me someone!
This is a strange post for me to write, my bloggie monologues on romance (or the lack of it) have been disgruntled rants of dis-satisfaction, whinges of un-fulfilment and break up blues. So this, my bloggie buddies is new territory for me and after spending the past 3 weeks in a blissed-out daze I think it's time to come back to reality.
I have a tendency to over-think things and have to constantly pull that little cord which brings me back to the here and now. Today I have remembered to give that cord a little tug, abandon the 'what ifs' and just see what happens, remind myself that if I spend all my time worrying about the future then I will be missing out on some awesome things happening right now!

In the meantime I haven't made a thing in the past few weeks.. all my creative energy has been focused elsewhere I guess but I have also been day-dreaming about a new tattoo... (hence the random tat shots!) how about these beautiful babies?

images from here


mel @ loved handmade said...

Good for you, just go with it & enjoy! Nice tat shots...

Kate said...

Oooo lala!! Stephs in lerve, steph's in lerve. Miss ya! X

teddybearswednesday said...

SO good SO exciting! Hooray! xo
Nice tats too

Jodie said...

me too ! Thye new tatt that is not the new boy...

I'm leaning towards scissors....

Leonie Guld said...

Oooooo How FANTASTIC!!! I have been waiting for a post like this from you!!! YEAHHHHHHHHH!!! Tell us more....come on...we need more juice!!!

Beck said...

Glad you are having fun Steph! Sounds like life is good, yay for you. Loving those ink shots, amazing. Did you see the tattoo article in the paper today? xo

Miss Go Lightly said...

Love your ink dahling! :)

Drewzel said...

yay you!!