Monday, June 22, 2009

I couldn't resist! A pair for lil' ole me.

ATM update: No News Is Good News Right?


Umatji said...

Aha! I suspected this post would turn up - well done. No such thing as too much self indulging I reckon, especially in the face of ATM madness.

RoLuc said...

I hope you get your money back!

Maybe call Today Tonight and pitch feel good story about how a little old lady handed in the money and she turned out to be your long lost Auntie who is worth millions. She can be loaded from old money she inherited from her grandfathers Match Stick factory back in the pioneer days. They could film you two walking hand in hand in the forest talking of the old days while searching for forest dwelling mushrooms to be used in an old family soup, in fact thats how you figured out you where related. The recipe was an exact match. Spooky.

So what the heck is the bank doing about your mulla?