Monday, June 22, 2009

Just what the doctor ordered

So, sometimes life can be tricky, very tricky. I am very-very-not-good at doing whats best for me. It's not that I don't know what the correct decision is, I just have a real dilemma following through. I tend to ferret that thought away in the cupboard of the spare room inside my head, hoping that things will change, come through and that everything will be OK.

There are changes afoot in the Doily household, BIG changes. The Talk has been had, Plans set in motion. But all this Talk is easy, saying Goodbye is not. I have only told a couple of friends, and not yet the kids. Is this because deep down I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to do this? to follow through? am I actually hoping, as per usual, that something amazing will happen to make this work? That I can slather icing over the hole in this cupcake?

I'm not sure... but today I feel sad, yesterday I felt strong, and last night I slept well. Alone. Well, Fraggle was under the bed, does that count?

So a cuppa, that turned into a couple 'o hours with a friend was just what the doctor ordered yesterday! It's a nice border to be treading, letting an acquaintance turn into a friendship, learning a little, sharing a little and getting cuddles from some beautiful little people. Such real, easygoing and genuine folk who know that life is not perfect, everyone has problems and some things are not worth caring about, and some things are ... a lot! (and that includes crochet!) Thanks Kate!

1 comment:

susieqiloveyou said...

Hugs to you. May you find strength to find the way forward x