The Mollongghip hall is the hub of our little community, with regular feasts, parties, poetry slams and dances I cant think of a place I would rather be... if it's good enough for C.W Stoneking its good enough for me!
Although the highest, and therefore coldest and wetest place in the Ballarat district Mollongghip has to be one of the most beautiful, I adore my old ramshackle home, it is one of the oldest in Mollongghip and is in that odd state of repair where rustic charm meets inconvenience! An outside toilet, open fires as the only heating and zero insulation keep me chilled and sweating by alternates but I wouldnt give it up for an instant...
I wouldn't give up my octagonal wood shed, formerly the Mollongghip school shelter-shed
Nor the great old bush-beam barn, complete with 1940's farm equipment
Nor my wood burning range (the only form of cooking the house has!)
I could perhaps give away the musty wallpaper... the rodents love it, afterall its just hessian nailed to lining boards underneath.
But the pressed tin would win me over every time!

1 comment:
good old Mollongghip Hall, maybe we'll return there someday.
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