This doesn't mean has has some odd fetish for tender plants... (well, maybe he does, I'm not sure and don't want to know about that!) A Fuchsia Fancier battles the rugged Yorkshire climate and safe in his snug and cozy green-house (or 'conservatory' in my Dads case) he water, prunes, tickles and feeds these 'not so hardy in a British winter' bells of vibrant colour.
Hence I always believed fuchsia to be some sort of precious jewel of a plant, the way he murmured sweet nothings at the Welsh hedge rows where the softer climate allowed it to grow wild! Can you believe it! We would all stare in quite reverence whenever we drove past these objects of beauty on our annual camping holidays.
So, imagine my ingrained awe when i discovered on viewing my house that not only are there several varieties of the fabled Fuchsia, but that even in a Mollongghip winter (some friends got snowed in at my place last year.) but it is almost impossible to kill them! They are weed-like in their growing ability and despite some vicious pruning this autumn their shiny, fairy dresses of bells are glowing all over my garden!
In honour of these revered (and highly under-rated by Australians in my opinion!) flowers I have been making my own fuchsia inspired necklaces... what do you think? Are they globular, glowing and gorgeous enough?
Lol I think 2009 will be the year of blogging for both us. We have posted more posts in the last few days than ever lol.
OMG, fuchsia lovers look out! My grandfather, Hume, was also a fuchsia lover and I have fond memories of walking down his driveway as the fuchsia's bobbed in the breeze,admiring their little ballerina skirts. And yes, popping quite a few of them too. Ahh...memories... x
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