It was a great night and a good memory. I made my 29th birthday an opportunity for a terrific community dance with a local bush band playing some shoe stomping tunes. Having invited most of our local community as well as friends from Daylesford and Ballarat it was great to see spud farmers mixing with groovy greenies a real treat of a night!
I am now supposed to tag four people... hmmm... who's photos would I like to see? It's got to be...
Land Of Meg
Diary of a Tinyholder
The Lark
It's still HOT HOT HOT! My brain has been melted to mush, my energy sapped and my timbers shivered, this is not all that pleasant, I'm from Leeds you know! I'm not designed for these temperatures! On the plus side I have been taking many a dip in Mr D's dam. Deep, clear and cold it's always a joy to plunge into its depths, emerge dripping to sip on an icy cold sparkling cider. Yummy!
Mr D has built a wee jetty down there and proudly perched is an old, old deckchair fished out of the barn at my place, it really is the most picturesque spot and all kinds of Mollongghip rabble have been cooling off down there. There are currently young cows in that paddock and after leaving last week I discovered they must have been doing some smooching with my old station wagon as all the windows were covered in slobber.
I like cows. I used to work on a 2000 acre beef farm and calving was my favourite time of year, searching the fence lines in the February sun for abandoned calves and birthing heifers, I can now proudly say I know my way around a cows uterus! This photo reminds me of that time and if you look closely you can see the reflection of Dan taking a snap as I tell him off for leaving me sitting in the burning tray of the ute at at 45 degree angle with a dehydrated calf! I may have been too hasty as Dan has turned out to become a wonderful photographer.

1 comment:
I'll swap you my fourth photo for one of those cakes. YUM!! Thanks for the tag. xx
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