Goodbye barn,
Goodbye outside loo.
But I have a confession to make... now that the 'work' of shifting trailer-loads, cursing at the generator because I got the power off too early, and cleaning up mountains of rat poo is over.....
I just can't be stuffed unpacking!
I still have a car-load I have been carting around since the weekend, there are boxes unpacked loitering in every corner and I have no motivation whatsoever to deal with it.
Last night I sat on the toilet seat and it broke in half. To be fair it was a wooden one that popped at the joins. I whipped out my wood glue and hammer and had it clamped back together in a jiffy.
This morning I browsed facebook to discover that whilst I was jimmying back together the loo seat, D was very helpfully posting about it on facebook, prompting a healthy debate on his usage of the phrase "she sat on it with her big fat arse and is fixing it all by her self!"
Sigh again.
Anyone got a trained man-about-the-house they would like to donate?
Some days I would happily donate him! But he usually gets pulled out of the op-shop bag before too long, hes my lifelong re-fashioning project.
I'm with Jodie! xx
Hear Hear Jodie.....I couldn't have said it better myself. xx
What a sad, sweet, mad and exasperating post! I loved the good bye house bit and I laughed at your fella. Doesn't he know what is and isn't appropriate behaviour in a public arena such as facebook? Really, some people think they can say anything online don't they? Hmmph. Better get him to sign something...x
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