Aside form that we have been exchanging goodies at craft group... Thanks Jodie and Kim!
And replacing buttons...mmmm...buttony goodness!
And replacing buttons...mmmm...buttony goodness!
I had some really good news that I'm not sure who I have and haven't shared with lately. For the past few years my application for Australian residency has been floating around in the abyss of the department of immigration. A couple of days before my birthday the other week I received the final green light and am now officially an Ozzie resident!! Horrah!
As I scanned the pages and found that vital word 'Approved' I found myself not nearly as relived as I should have been. I mean... 3 years of filling out forms, and waiting, and always being slightly nervous that something could still go unreasoningly wrong is a major thing to feel relief for... right?
But finding that joyous word just wasn't all that joyous really. Sure, no panic ensued, but really I'm not sure that it has sunk in. And anyway, the release is a bit of an anticlimax compared to the stressful build-up.
But finding that joyous word just wasn't all that joyous really. Sure, no panic ensued, but really I'm not sure that it has sunk in. And anyway, the release is a bit of an anticlimax compared to the stressful build-up.
But here I am. And here I now stay. Awesome. The only down side is that I am now eligible to go plow my way through the minefield of Centerlink... I mean honestly.... 3o mins on the phone just to make an appointment!!??? Sigh.
Love that softie!!!
It's really bonza!
Not like a bratz - a little brazen perhaps with those lovely lips but so not bratz!
Lovely lovely lovely non-Bratzy doll! Merci beaucoup! Craft group looks ace! x
Aussie Aussie Aussie
Oi Oi Oi
I love her!
As for that wild photo of me opening the little Mr Green Gocco...hmmmmmmmmmmmm........
I am loving the doll, she BRILLIANT, the photo of kate FANTASTIC and your residency...well what can we say SPECTACULAR!! Congratulations!!!
I forgot to say hooray for becoming a real ozzie!
She's a gorgeous doll who will make someone's christmas extra special. I don't see any Bratz doll in her either.
congratulations on being an aussie. Welcome to the club!
thanks Steph for sewing buttons, I love the navy sundress with the newly added red buttons. Thank-you xx
Great doll! So lovable.
COngrats on becoming an Ozzie too!
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